Scrutinizing the Sci-Fi Syllabus

Scrutinizing the Sci-Fi Syllabus January 8, 2010

I’ve spent the morning thus far trying to finalize my syllabus for Religion and Science Fiction. I’m now going to share form it is currently in, in the hope that some readers with time and inclination may provide some feedback. If you see anything obvious that ought to be explicitly mentioned but isn’t, or relevant readings that are not included but might deserve to be, please do let me know.

In the course I’m planning on having students post short writes on a blog rather than merely submit them to me. The aim is (1) to challenge students to write in a way that they would be happy to have a wider public read; (2) provide a site where engagement of sci-fi and religion can transgress the boundaries of the limitations of the course, and perhaps continue after it has ended as well; (3) provide opportunity for students to share relevant links with one another; and (4) provide an opportunity for students who are more comfortable writing than speaking to participate and converse about the course’s subject matter.

On a related note, a friend just sent me a link to an article about using blogging in education, which I hope to read in time to take it into account before giving the syllabus to students!

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