Larry Hurtado Has A Blog!

Larry Hurtado Has A Blog! July 6, 2010

I am delighted to share the news that Larry Hurtado has a blog. Most readers will be familiar with this name, but if you aren’t, Larry W. Hurtado is Professor of New Testament Language, Literature & Theology at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.

I am sure that all the Biblical scholars and readers interested in Biblical studies will want to bookmark it and add it to their feed reader if they use one. It is a new blog, and I probably don’t have to tell you that blogging about scholarship is discouraging if the only comments you get are from apologists for fringe views and people who do not seem to have a genuine interest in learning or discussing. And so I hope that bibliobloggers everywhere, and their readers, will share the news about this new blog and find a way of welcoming Larry to the biblioblogosphere!

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