Ancient Christian Burial Practices: A Request for Help

Ancient Christian Burial Practices: A Request for Help September 3, 2012

I have a friend who has an interest in following the development of early Christian burial practices, and in particular those of Jewish Christians. Among non-Jewish Christians, we can pick up the threads of development in some other places, like Rome. And it has been suggested that some part of the necropolis on the Mount of Olives (see the ossuaries on display at Dominus Flevit) may have had a connection with ancient Jewish Christianity. But on the whole, there seem to be more pieces from the puzzle that are missing than ones that we have, at least for that “corner” of the puzzle.

So I thought I would appeal to blog readers, and see whether there is anyone who has useful bibliographical references or personal insights to offer. Are there any books about the burial practices and customs, or the tombs, of ancient Nestorian and other Eastern Christians, who often seem to have had a closer connection to Christianity's Jewish roots than the Western churches? Have there been any attempts to identify specifically Jewish Christian burial places, and highlight how they were different from those of non-Christian Jews on the one hand, and non-Jewish Christians?

Any recommendations of books and articles or personal insights will be greatly appreciated.



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