A Hole-Shaped God

A Hole-Shaped God March 16, 2015

Hole-Shaped God

It’s not so much that we’ve got a God-shaped hole inside, it’s more that we’ve got a hole-shaped God. We made him to suit our own wishes, so of course he fits them like a hand in a glove, or rather a glove over hand.  We’ve been duped about which one made the other.

Neil Carter, in the post “Are Beliefs Too Big To Fail?”

It seems to me that this is an insightful warning. But is there any way that we can avoid altogether the human tendency to project on the cosmos, or beyond the cosmos, our own convictions about what is important?

Who do you think is right? Carter, Augustine, or neither?

Of related interest, Bob Cornwall has a review of a book which offers another alternative to the God-shaped hole idea.

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