Stop Excusing Evil

Stop Excusing Evil May 12, 2017

Laura Robinson Trump quote

Laura Robinson wrote on Facebook:

You know, whenever Trump’s at his usual evil worst, I’m not even that angry at him. I’ve known what Trump was since I was eleven years old and saw him on television. I’ve never expected him to be anything else.

The people I really get mad at are the people from the Religious Right who looked at that man’s greed, sexism, racism, authoritarianism, and violence and decided to call a man like that a Christian so people would vote for him. And to be honest, I’m mad at the Christians who fell for it.

The post continues later:

I’m writing this really sincerely to the people of my parents’ generation who are members of the churches I grew up in. If you want the next generation of Americans to be Christians, there is only one way to do it: stop excusing evil. All the apologetics and outreach in the world will not make people join a church that refuses to name evil for what it is in the interest of political expediency. Stop caring about anything else until we get this right.

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