September 7, 2009

I’ve been following the discussion of women bibliobloggers with great interest, but have also been hesitant to jump into the fray, largely because of being in two minds about the matter. (Please note that, should my contribution to the discussion be deemed anything other than a wise and insightful perspective that brings clarity and resolution, it is because I’ve come down with the flu (not sure yet which strain) and that has impaired my blogging ability and presumably also my... Read more

September 7, 2009

Proposition six picks up where the previous one left off, emphasizing that the fourth, fifth and sixth days in Genesis 1 are about the installation of “functionaries”. Here too, one finds problems from a scientific perspective if the focus is on material creation, and not problems that have to do with evolution. The text says that the lights which are created are placed (i.e. embedded) in the physical dome or “fimament”. If the text is about material origins, then it... Read more

September 6, 2009

I was poking around online trying to find out if there was sheet music available for the Genesis song “Cinema Show” that included the fabulous keyboard solo. In the process, I came across this video: I’m not 100% sure whether this is better or worse than having the sheet music, but it certainly is fantastic to be able to watch over someone’s shoulder as they play. I presume I speak for many who play instruments when I say that there... Read more

September 6, 2009

John Walton begins the next section of his book The Lost World of Genesis One with an anecdote about a question that led him to come up with many of the book’s insights. Most if not indeed all scholars will relate to the experience of asking a new question, or noticing a neglected detail, or in other ways having an “a-ha!” moment. In Walton’s case, the question was why the “light” is not, on the first day in Genesis 1,... Read more

September 5, 2009

James Tabor has a post up about the New Testament text critical issues known under the heading of “Western non-interpolations”. There’s a new blog, Peje Iesous (no, that’s not a misspelling of Pie Jesu, it’s Coptic), on which the latest post compares Columbo and the Gospel of Mark. Timo Paananen has joined the discussion on Liberal Christianity. Ken Schenck continues delving into Paul’s unknown years. Michael Halcomb has a call for papers on the Gospel of Mark in Mediterranean Context.... Read more

September 5, 2009

I just watched the movie The Soloist, and highly recommend it. It is an at times disturbing, at times profoundly humorous, but certainly over all thought-provoking, challenging and inspiring look at a range of subjects from religion and friendship to mental illness and homelessness – and of course, music. I understand it is based on a true story. Now that would be an interesting label to stick on the Bible…but that’s a topic for another time! Read more

September 4, 2009

The following e-mail somehow made it past my spam filter into my inbox: May God Bless You As You Read And Reply. May our good Lord bless your going out and coming in and provide all yourneeds through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen. Dear in Christ, I am Rev Father Emmanuel Aka, I am writing you this mail as God hasdirected me after 1 week fasting and prayers. Be informed that i went fora medical check up, and my doctor... Read more

September 4, 2009

No, this isn’t yet another reference to 80s music. There’s a piece about The Only True God that has just gone up on the Butler University web page. Read it, and you’ll see why I called this what I did. Read more

September 4, 2009

Jim West has shared the announcement of an official connection being made between bibliobloggers and the Society of Biblical Literature. If you are a member of both categories, stop by Jim’s blog to get your brand new logo! Read more

September 4, 2009

IO9 shared a set of of what it called “The Most Exalted Star Wars Religious Art In The Universe“. Here are a few samples: Read more

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