Introducing Rhemedia

Introducing Rhemedia March 6, 2013

Hello everyone, and welcome to our new blogging platform here at  We are Rhemedia — and we develop premium narrative films that explore issues and concepts central to the Christian life, for use in sermons, classes, small groups and family devotionals.

Rhemedia launched in 2010.  It’s developed 17 films, with another 5 in the pipeline now.  Most of those films have only been shared privately.  We’ve been building our library.  But for those few films we have allowed to be posted publicly, the response has been extraordinary.  And our most recent product, the Living Generously series, has already been having a transformative impact on the churches that have walked through the five-part series.  Now, for the first time, we’re beginning to make some of our films publicly available for purchase.  Check them out here.

For now, however, we just want to introduce ourselves — and the best way we can do so is with this trailer:

Here at our Patheos blog, we’re looking forward to commenting on faith and culture, education and film, how our productions are coming along, and how churches and groups and families across the country are making use of this content.  You cannot read the Gospels without appreciating the power of stories — both the stories of the gospel, and the countless stories Jesus told along the way.  Stories capture truths and make them visible.  Please follow us on Facebook or Twitter as we explore this together.

Much more to come!

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