December 8, 2022

It was a singular moment in television history, one etched in people’s minds for the unexpected poignancy of the simple scene. Archie Bunker had become one of America’s interests- if not some part of its very heart. The crusty but affable blue-collar character, with the seemingly myopic closed mind – suddenly drew millions that one night in February of 1976. Archie and Edith were beside themselves, as their children, Mike and Gloria had refused to let “religion” into their son’s... Read more

October 18, 2022

Conventional Christian Theology promulgates the doctrine that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, leaves us with a renewable and everlasting gift in the form of the Eucharist, the actual body of Christ (God). A gift to be renewed and given to mankind…over and over during the ‘Liturgy’ of the Mass and it’s related rubrics ….Holy Communion or Lord’s Supper celebrations. The word ‘liturgy’ (Leitourgia) stems from the Greek, literally meaning a publicly witnessed action.  It merits pause to consider the... Read more

October 5, 2022

© St Francis of Assisi, the popular Italian patron Saint of Animals, once referred to God’s marvelous creatures as “our beloved lesser brothers…” I thought it was a marvelous notion, and a tip of the hat to the fact although they may not in some ways possess the cognitive abilities of man- they are sentient beings deserving of our love. Frequently referenced in scripture, Christ himself rode a donkey into Jerusalem, doves of life and peace showed Noah the way, and someday the... Read more

October 3, 2022

Mercy comes in all sizes, and in that special year- such a grace reached “The Grinch” with heart rendering tenderness. The story of Dr Seuess’  ‘The Grinch’ has stolen peoples’ hearts for over 6 decades.  The Grinch’s spirit, imbued deep within this green creature, as it is in all of God’s beings, needed others’ love to bring this spirit to its fullness. The ole’ Grinch was simply spiritually malnourished.  He just needed some good medicine,  mainly consisting of doses of... Read more

October 1, 2022

◊ When Pope Francis assumed the Papacy 10 years ago, he likewise euphemistically took on a practice typically reserved for health professionals, trauma surgeons in particular.  Essentially, he undertook the role as Chair of the ‘Department of Health and Surgery’ at the Vatican.  And not only for the Roman Catholic Church, but numerous other Christians and general believers in goodness who craved a sense of renewed faith and justice. Frances assumed the role of Chief Surgeon to the patient, the global... Read more

September 29, 2022

We, as humans are often impressed when encountering famous people in our world and accompanying paparazzi, but we should always be impressed with the presence God, the ultimate celebrity, who chooses to grace our presence in a sometimes quiet way. Nonetheless, I have some interesting tales from Columbus, my fine Midwest city, to share.  One would not expect to inadvertently run into famous television and movie celebrities while simply jaunting about my town.   For me, it was a pleasant series... Read more

September 26, 2022

  As a student of the body-politik, I have recently been re-examining the seemingly absurd notion of having comedians and cartoon characters fulfilling the roles of our current politicians and statesman. After careful consideration- the notion may not be so absurd at all.  The idea streaked to me like a comet in the sky. God, as we know, calls the shots, even in the sometimes sketchy realm of social politics. And it was Almighty God that made us in his... Read more

September 26, 2022

Brushes with greatness are sometimes born of mundane circumstances. On an autumn afternoon in 1979, life was feeling particularly mundane in Athens. Four of us, all students at Ohio University from various Christian backgrounds, had lazily skipped Friday afternoon classes in favor of “happy hour” at a nearby watering hole. While checking a newspaper for evening movie times, someone joked about the impending visit of the new pope, John Paul II — who planned to say Mass the next day... Read more

September 25, 2022

In the 1980s, I lived in an unusual off-campus rooming house near 17th Avenue, not far from Ohio State University. The quaint, lovely place was full of fine furnishings, antiques, even a grand piano. The landlady was a bon vivant with an eccentric streak that one might expect from a person willing to take such a risk with students who were sometimes crass and unruly. She’d named the place LaMoreaux House, after one of her husbands, and it was affordable... Read more

August 29, 2022

Actor Shia LaBeouf is about to release a major movie.  It’s about one of the most iconic saints and public figures of the modern age.. Padre Pio, a priest who lead a pious and sometimes contentious life, and bore the “stigmata”,  the phenomena of the bleeding wounds of Christ. But this spiritual icon is closer to my family then I could have ever envisioned.  One afternoon in early 1992, sitting at her table in Ohio, my 82 year-old Italian born grandmother,... Read more

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