A Compass for the Earthly Race

A Compass for the Earthly Race May 4, 2017

Public Domain / Pixabay.com
Public Domain / Pixabay.com

Life is abuzz with media input and our fast-paced lives are making us spin. Stepping on the accelerator in life is common for most of us, but where are we really going? More importantly, what is God really speaking to us? God communicates with us daily, if we can shut down the roar of our thoughts and just pay attention. Author and Reverend Rob Fuquay maintains that the flags used to communicate to drivers in racing can be applied to our Christian faith.

In his book, Take the Flag, we learn how we can take these cues from the Lord, so we may conclude our earthly race and finish well. “I reflected on the racing flags, I began to see how their messages correspond to the important moments in our spiritual lives as God seeks our attention,” he wrote. “And so in his book, I will be using the flags of car racing as a jumping-off point to discuss different aspects of faith.”

Fuquay offers insight on how the flag translates into a tool for our own lives. The green flag (start), yellow flag (caution), red flag (delay), blue flag (yield), black flag (disqualification), white flag (final lap) and the checkered flag (victory) are vital not only in NASCAR but in our pursuit of happiness. For example, God can be mute during our lives and we might get the symbolic red flag to wait on Him to move. Meanwhile, on your journey, God might grab our attention by waving a blue flag to help others on their race. The black flag means disqualification and this could relate to when we fall short and need to seek God for forgiveness for our violations.

Mostly, we are bleary-eyed from our trials and from our journey. We can reflect on the checkered flag, a sign that we have victory in Christ Jesus and choose to live with hope and fervency. Take the Flag reminds us that God is always there for us, even in the midst of our pain.

Special to Patheos from Corine Gatti

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