But Mostly, Teach Me Patience, RIGHT NOW!

But Mostly, Teach Me Patience, RIGHT NOW! February 11, 2016


These precious and lengthening days leading up to Easter have already given me multiple opportunities to reflect, to learn, to practice, to grow, and to become all that I was created to be.

Oh, and one more thing: I’ve also had a number of chances to remember just how much of a complete jerk I can still be.

Yeah, sure, I’m a work in progress – I easily comfort myself with that thought often. But really, sometimes, that’s just a way for me to excuse my own failings – of which there are many. (But no, you don’t need to know them because . . . well, because of ego – okay, that’s one.)

So, as I force myself to take some time this season to reflect, as I falter and then start all over again, perhaps Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman’s prayer will come in handy.

Likely often.

And yes, also teach me patience – right now! An old joke but surely, for me, a fitting reminder.

“Teach me, my Lord, to be sweet and gentle in all the events of life — in disappointments, in the thoughtlessness of others, in the insincerity of those whom I trusted, in the unfaithfulness of those on whom I relied.

Let me put myself aside to think of the happiness of others, to hide my little pains and heartaches, so that I may be the only one to suffer from them.

Teach me to profit by the suffering that comes across my path. Let me so use it that it may mellow me, not harden and embitter me; that it may make me patient, not irritable; that it may make me broad in my forgiveness, not haughty and overbearing.

May no one be less good for having come within my influence, no one less pure, less kind, less noble for having been a fellow traveler in our journey toward Eternal Life.

As I go my rounds from one distraction to another, let me whisper from time to time a word of love to Thee.

May my life be spent in the supernatural full of power for good, strong in its purpose of sanctity.” Amen



Feathers / Sun Image Credit: Pixabay.com

Cardinal Newman Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain

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