John XXIII Si, John Paul II No

John XXIII Si, John Paul II No October 21, 2008

Joe Biden on reconciling his Catholicism with his support for legal abortion (attempt #154):

We’ve always believed from the outset that abortion is wrong. But throughout the years, debated the degree to which it is wrong. There are always cases where it is never a first choice. It is always viewed as a dire decision. But throughout the church’s history, we’ve argued between whether or not it is wrong in every circumstance and the degree of wrong. Catholics have this notion, it’s almost a gradation.

We have mortal sins, venial sins, well, up until Pius IX, there were times when we said, ‘Look, there are circumstances in which it’s wrong but it is not damnation. Along came Pius IX in the 1860s and declared in fine doctrine, this was the first time that it occurred that it was absolute human life and being at the moment of conception.

It’s always been a debate. I take my religion very seriously.

To sum it up, as a Catholic, I’m a John XXIII guy, I’m not a Pope John Paul guy.

More. (HT: Jimmy Akin)

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