With All the Real Concerns One Could Raise About President Obama, Why Is There So Much Focus on a Teleprompter?

With All the Real Concerns One Could Raise About President Obama, Why Is There So Much Focus on a Teleprompter? February 7, 2010

Of all the legitimate complaints one could have of President Obama (such as his stand on abortion, contraception, American exceptionalism with its use of the military to enforce the desires of the United States, his placing of a US missile shield into Romania , et. al.), one of the most popular criticisms launched against him is that he uses a teleprompter. I’ve never understood this. What exactly is so wrong with this?

I’ve tried to think this through. Is the problem not the teleprompter itself but what it tells us about American politics in general? That is, it proves beyond a doubt that much of the political scene is an illusion? That politicians don’t always write their own speeches? That what is seen as debate is anything but a debate? I can understand those who are naive enough to believe in some sort of “pure” politics could be upset with this; but what about others? Is it because, like Mulder, they want to believe, but with the use of such tools, it becomes impossible? I do not know. Can someone explain it to me?

But one thing I do know. If you are going to rally against teleprompters and complain that the President uses them, don’t get yourself caught red (er– black) handed with your own crib notes. And make sure if you are, they aren’t written on the palm of your hand like some sort of high school cheat.

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