More Violent “Pro-Lifers”

More Violent “Pro-Lifers” June 8, 2010

Michael Sean Winters directs our attention to this disturbing video.

Apparently, Sister Carol Keehan was chosen to give a commencement address at Gonzaga High in DC. Cardinal McCarrick was there too. A small group of nasty “pro-life” demonstrators awaited them. Look closely. pay attention to when the loud-mouthed woman starts attacking Cardinal McCarrick (about 3 minutes 15 seconds in). Listen to her words. She lectures him! In an aggressive tone, she tells him that “you can’t be Catholic and pro-abortion”. And she keeps shouting that “I joined the Catholic Church”. Think about that. Her attitude is Protestantized, individualist, and utterly disrespectful to authority. It’s all about her, and what she views an egregious personal affront. After all, she joined the Church, and she can withdraw her allegiance…How deliciously “liberal”!

The protestors seem to be represented by this blog, Restore-DC-Catholicism. They brag about giving Cardinal McCarrick “a very well-deserved rebuke”. Apparently, Sr. Carol’s address was disrupted by a well-placed insider. Ponder the protestor’s words carefully. She said: “That woman should not be an invited speaker at any Catholic institution!  She was responsible in part for the health care bill being passed and therefore our country is a socialized country with socialized medicine!  She supports the legalized killing of children!  Wake up, America“. This is yet another example of what I have said time and time again. The real opposition to healthcare reform was not abortion – it was adherence to that aspect of American liberalism that sanctifies individual freedom. Socialism first, abortion second. This really says it all.

It is precisely this hate and bitterness in the context of the healthcare debate that was highlighted by the Vatican journal, La Civilita Cattolica (see yesterday’s post). And this is where I believe the bishops should have handled the situation far better – offering more clarity on principle – especially by distinguishing between valid and invalid reasons for opposing healthcare – and encouraging Catholics to respect differing prudential judgments, especially since – as La Civilita Cattolica puts it – “the diverse ways of actualizing…prophetic commitment[s] clash”.  

The case described is one of rhetorical violence. I can also talk about real violence. I would note that a father and son have been arrested for threatening the life of Bart Stupak and his family. Nothing is known of their background yet, but their rhetoric oozes violence. In a letter, they parrot the apocalyptic and hateful anti-Obama tea party rhetoric, extol the virtues of American “freedom”, and dub Stupak a traitor. They claim to be religious: “I tithe to my Church and I contribute to charities that I choose to support [again, on my terms]…I have instilled a strong Christian faith within…[my children]“. And then a few lines later, the author evokes a fictional serial killer from a TV show that vows to “paint the Mackinaw Bridge with the blood of you and your family members“.

How is it possible that a man can jump from a “strong Christian faith” to the ethics of a serial killer within a few paragraphs? What is wrong with these people? What is wrong with the culture? What is particularly wrong with this right-wing subculture?

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