French Full Veil Ban Upheld: Just or Unjust?

French Full Veil Ban Upheld: Just or Unjust? July 1, 2014

The European Court of Human Rights upheld a 2010 French law that outlawed the full head covering in a public space.

According to BBC News, “the court ruled that the ban ‘was not expressly based on the religious connotation of the clothing in question but solely on the fact that it concealed the face.’  The BBC also reports that the court’s decision is final and appeals are not allowed.

The decision might make for an interesting class debate.  Does the decision restrict religious freedom or does the decision have nothing to do with religion as the court suggested when it wrote that the ban “was not expressly based on the religious connotation of the clothing in question but solely on the fact that it concealed the face?”

Below is  a clip from CNN about the ban along with several interesting stories about it.

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