Green Witchcraft: Wildcrafting Your Yard For Dandelion

Green Witchcraft: Wildcrafting Your Yard For Dandelion April 29, 2020

When I think about growing up in rural Southwest Michigan, a lot of my memories are of times spent in the fields beside my home or tromping through the woods on our property. Picking dandelions and harvesting apples from overgrown trees. Summer days spent with a couple of neighbor kids, who lived across the street, wildcrafting wild black raspberries from vines growing in the dappled shade of black walnut and oak trees.

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Wildcrafting: Learning To Forage As A Child

We’d be sprayed with bug repellent and change into jeans and sneakers before meeting at the end of my driveway with coffee cups, bowls, or paper lunch bags in hand. We’d cross into the tall grasses and wooded areas that lined our quiet country road on the hunt for our plunder.

We never had to go far in our wanderings and the thorn-filled leafy vines, heavy with fruit, were easy to find. We’d pick enough fruit to carry back to our homes even while popping a few juicy morsels into our mouths as a reward for our labors. Then we’d take our treasures home to wash and eat sprinkled with sugar or with a dish of vanilla ice cream. Sometimes we’d even share the berries with the rest of our families.

For us, picking berries and various herbs or flowers was all part of outdoor fun. Thankfully, we never picked anything which could be harmful. Our parents made sure to pass along information about what might be good to pick and what might be dangerous. My friends and I did not know what we were doing was called wildcrafting or foraging, learning a valuable skill that we can use to great advantage.

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Wildcrafting: Harvesting From Uncultivated Nature

Wildcrafting is harvesting from plants in their natural or wild habitats to be used for food or medicinal purposes. These plants are not cultivated as you would find in a garden or on a farm but grow on their own in nature.

My family and I were fortunate that our house resided on five acres of land rich with apples, wild plums, pears, mulberries and black raspberries from which we could forage. I can remember years when the apples were so plentiful my mother would prepare and can enough applesauce to last a year. The black raspberries were my favorite to pick but I remember gathering wild pears to snack on as I traversed the woods. One year, my grandfather picked enough plums to be made into several quarts of jam. We took what we needed while leaving behind plenty of produce for the wildlife and so the plants would continue to flourish.

There are many good reasons to wildcraft from nature. People gather fruit, nut, leaf, root, and berry for food, medicine, and as in my case – witchcraft. However, it is very important to respect the land and ecosystem within which the plant, bush, or tree exists and know the dos and don’ts of wildcrafting. Here are tips from an excellent article from Sierra Botanica – Safe and Ethical Guidelines for Wildcrafting if you decide to go wildcrafting in your local area:

  1. Follow the abundance of your local landscape. This book is helpful if you’re not sure which plants are safe or edible.
  2. Avoid picking unusual, threatened, and endangered plants.
  3. Gather what you need and leave the rest.
  4. Know where and where not to harvest (don’t trespass on private or government property)

These are important, basic rules to follow when wildcrafting. However, you may be able to find plants to forage by taking a closer look at your own yard. People spray their lawns or property with chemicals to discourage “weeds” or “invasive plants” but do so without understanding the wonderful plant sources which could be available to them and within easy reach. Uncultivated plants brimming with nutritional, medicinal, and magickal value.

Let me return to a plant you can harvest with ease without even having to leave your home space: Dandelions. And unless you’ve sprayed weed killer in the desire for an immaculate lawn, this delightful (some say bothersome but what do they know) plant will grow in your yard or garden area.

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Wildcrafting: Let’s Return To The Humble Dandelion

I have loved these yellow flowers since childhood. Dandelions are a flowering plant that grows with abundance in many places around the world. They are a stubborn flower, which is why most people consider them weeds, but they are a plant that is edible from root to blossom. Here are a few reasons why you should love the dandelions growing dotting your lawn:

  • Dandelions have a high nutrient value.
  • Dandelions are high in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber.
  • Dandelions can be eaten cooked as greens or raw in salads. They can be made into jelly, syrups, cookies, teas, coffee, and wine.
  • Dandelions have medicinal uses and can be prepared as a tincture, decoction, tea, and salve.

In fact, if you have a bunch of dandelions and are not sure what to do with them, I recommend these 16 Dandelion Recipes. I also recommend reading this article, 13 Potential Health Benefits of Dandelion, to learn how this plant can benefit your life. And if you want to try dandelion without the work of harvesting and preparation, Dandelion Leaf & Root Tea from Traditional Medicinals (it’s great for flushing the kidneys and promotes healthy digestion) is a great start.

Here’s a caveat: Allow me to stress that before you harvest dandelions or any wild plant, be sure the area where you pick has not been sprayed with chemicals or herbicides. For this reason, I prefer to stick to my own yard when wildcrafting. Also, if you have an allergy to ragweed, you may want to steer clear of dandelion.

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Wildcrafting: Dandelions in Witchcraft

Dandelions have abundant uses in witchcraft as well:

  • The plant is associated with any solar deity, Hecate, Brighid, and Belenos.
  • A tea can be made of the blossoms and leaves to increase psychic ability.
  • The roots can be used to make a tea which will aid the invoking of spirits.
  • Wishes can be made while blowing the seeds of the dandelion from the head of the flower.
  • The flowers can be used for inspiration spells in Springtime or to break a creative block.
  • It can be used in offerings to woodland or land spirits.
  • Dandelion derives from the French word dent-de-lion or tooth of the lion. This makes the flower excellent in spell bags for confidence and courage.
  • Use them as decoration for your Spring altar or Beltane rituals. Wear the blossoms in your hair for a handfasting (which is what I did) which occur during the Spring or Summer.
  • Are good for driving out negative energy from your home.
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Hopefully, you can see the value in taking a second look at your yard or back garden to see the plant allies which may exist or volunteer if given the opportunity to grow. Other valuable “weeds” you may find include Common Blue Violets, Purslane, Chickweed, Sorrel, and Plantain (all delightful in their own way and edible). These plants will have growing seasons, some long and some short, so pay attention to what is available throughout the Spring, Summer, and Autumn. In temperate locals, there may be plants you can harvest during Winter as well.

Keep an eye out for wild edible fruits, mushrooms, and other products but I must stress again – Be Careful! Take a course, read well-researched books, or use a helpful and well-rated app that allows you to identify what is safe, edible plants to harvest, and which are not. And if your lawn does not provide the plants you desire to go forth and wildcraft while doing so in an ethical and safe manner. Above all, enjoy being in nature and remember to thank the Earth Mother for all she provides, as well as the plant allies which present themselves to you.

About Gwyn
Gwyn is one of the hosts of 3 Pagans and a Cat, a podcast about the questions and discussions between three pagan family members, each exploring different pagan paths and how their various traditions can intersect. The most practiced pagan on the path, Gwyn is a Green Witch devoted to Hekate, Brighid, and Frigga. She is a Clairsentient Medium, Tarot Reader, loves writing and, spending time with her family, as well as working with herbs, essential oils, and plants. You can read more about the author here.

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