Samhain has always been a favorite holiday of mine. During this time, when the veil thins, spirit communication or encounters can be more prevalent, along with the opportunity to divine for others – yes, especially the seasonal curious seeker. For me, it is a solemn celebration of friends and loved ones already across the veil. And the sacredness of my Samhain observance brings peace to my heart.
Samhain Remembrance
Several beloved family and friends have navigated from this life to the next in the past few years. My mother’s passing (reflected in this post from 2021) is the one with which I have had the most challenging time. And while I honor her (and others) throughout the year, Samhain brings the chance to celebrate their lives into greater focus.
This is why rituals such as the Silent Supper as part of a Samhain Remembrance observance are a good way for me to work through moving forward and honoring my path as a Witch. I’ve also learned to focus on releasing past hurts from broken relationships that were not addressed when specific individuals were still living. This allows Samhain to become a time of healing for me in many ways.
So, this is why on the appointed day, I will light a candle and make an offering of a meal to Hekate, my loved ones, and my ancestors. Place a pumpkin sentinel on the front porch to both guide and protect. Remember and bless those who have gone before me with quiet joy. Yes, my Samhain celebrations have become small, quiet affairs. I do not expect others to have a similar view regarding this seasonally witchy time of Autumn. But right now, it’s what I need. Who knows, maybe it’s what you need right now too.
May we all have a blessed Samhain.