Yes, Why Don’t You Turn to God for Guidance More Often?
How many of you have run into a situation over which you had no control? Your frustration level went through the roof! You tried everything you could to fix the problem, to no avail, and ended up feeling like you were beating your head against a brick wall.
A good friend of mine was having a difficult time with her company’s project on which she was the team leader. Every time we got together, her entire conversation was about how it was driving her crazy!
I knew how important it was to her. Her promotion was riding on the satisfactory outcome of this project.
Why Not Turn to God for Guidance in Her Situation?
So, the next time she brought up the many problems she was STILL having with this project, I asked her why she didn’t turn to God for guidance? She gave me a strange look and said, “Why would I ask God about my business situation? I thought I could only ask Him for spiritual guidance or help when I’m sick or I need to pray for a relative.”
Yet God is always available to help us with EVERY AREA OF OUR LIFE. It could be something as small as thanking Him for a perfect parking space up front. Or something as big as asking for help on her project. Psalm 32:8 states: “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.”
What Was Her Major Problem?
What was the major problem she was having with this project? Was it a technical problem, or a team member problem, or a financial problem? What was causing her so much stress and frustration?
She thought about it for a few minutes, and then took a deep breath and said, “Honestly, Kathy, my biggest problem is with two people on the team. They are responsible for creating an algorithm for the software we are using, and they are having a hard time coming up with the right one. It’s holding all of us up.”
So, Let’s THANK GOD for the Perfect Outcome!
“So, let’s THANK GOD for the perfect outcome,” I suggested. “Let’s make this statement: ‘I KNOW these two men can come up with the perfect algorithm, and I THANK YOU GOD for showing them the way!’”
She started laughing, “Geez, I wish it were really that simple!” And I replied, “I’m telling you that it IS! God has set up the Universe to respond to our every need. We only need to describe the need and say THANK YOU GOD, and then the Universe goes into action to fulfill that need! What do you have to lose?”
She laughed and said, “Well, I guess you’re right! What do I have to lose? Ok. Here goes: ‘I KNOW these two men can come up with the perfect algorithm, and I THANK YOU GOD for showing them the way!”
I Assured Her That She WOULD See Results
“You WILL see results!” I assured her. “It works every time! Just keep repeating this statement whenever your thoughts turn to the problem.”
She agreed to give it a try. And sure enough, WITHIN THE WEEK her two team members came up with the perfect algorithm! She was able to finish the project on time! And she got the promotion she deserved!
I Have Been in a Similar Situation
I’ve certainly been in a similar situation. I had been running my mortgage training institute for a few months when a new law came out requiring proprietary schools to post a $50,000 surety bond. This was because some unethical bartending schools were literally pulling homeless people off the streets and getting them signed up for student loans, which is about as low as you can go. What’s the old saying, “We all pay for the cheaters?”
Because of their unethical behavior, I now had to pay $5,000 annually for this $50,000 surety bond. This was money I didn’t have. I tried everything I could to come up with this money, to no avail.
The State was About to Shut Down My School!
I was down to the last few days, and I was told on Wednesday by the State that if I didn’t come up with the bond by Monday, they would literally come in and put a padlock on the door to my office.
I finally gave up, after running around like a chicken with its head cut off for weeks, trying to come up with the money. That Wednesday, as I went to bed, I just said a silent prayer, “I surrender, Dear God. I’ve tried everything. I now just put this in Your hands and accept whatever is for my highest and best good.” And I turned out the light and went to sleep.
God Gave Me the Perfect Solution!
When I awoke the next morning, I heard a voice very clearly saying, “Why don’t you get your mortgage school approved by the Real Estate Commission to teach the pre-licensing course? That way, you won’t need to get a $50,000 surety bond.”
Wow! What a great idea! When I contacted the Georgia Real Estate Commission to find out what it would take to get approved, you wouldn’t believe how wonderful everybody was! I already had several courses approved for Realtor Continuing Education, and I knew everyone there. And they were willing to help complete the necessary paperwork.
And when I rushed back to the Real Estate Commission on Friday to deliver the paperwork, the Georgia Real Estate Commission Director ACTUALLY TOOK IT HOME AND REVIEWED IT OVER THE WEEKEND!
My School was Approved!
And she called me Monday morning to tell me I was approved just as the State representative came in to shut me down! Wow! I handed him the phone and he verified with the Director that my school was now an approved real estate school. He smiled and said, “I’m so glad you worked this out. I really hated having to shut you down.”
Where do you think that idea came from? God gave me this idea, but ONLY after I cleared my mind and surrendered. And so it is. NO problem is insurmountable if you allow God to help!