Cell phone hatred, etc. etc.

Cell phone hatred, etc. etc. October 11, 2010

Nothing like being on hold to provide some good posting time. I have been on hold for almost a half an hour with my provider (which shall remain unnamed) about a dumb payment posting. For some strange reason, all the payments for my daughter’s phone always go through, but the ones for me are a problem, even though we always use the same payment information.

What would be really cool is if there was a WordPress feature that would let me post from my mobile phone via SMS text message. I’d probably post every day if I could do that. Since our area doesn’t have good internet service (hey, half the county is Amish and they don’t even use phones), I can’t post like I used to. And I really miss is.

Hear that: I really miss posting! How I long for the days when I could post every day … oh, those were the glory days. I loved it.

On other fronts, I’ve been reading like a fiend. I haven’t read everything on my reading list, but I’m getting close. Of course, new books are always coming out (damn publishers <grin>), and I’m always reviewing.

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