Five Minute Friday: Choose

Five Minute Friday: Choose February 28, 2014

Five Minute FridayEvery day, I’m making choices, even when I’d rather not.

It’s so easy to just lie in bed and let the day slip away in a haze of endless games on my phone. I rationalize how it’s better than getting mad about so many things on the internet, but that’s a lie. It’s just another choice about how I don’t want to choose to get up. I don’t want to write, I don’t want to put myself out there and be exposed like a naked person.

There are choices that are not good.

So I pry myself out from beneath the covers, and get past the everlasting idea that I don’t feel like doing this, like anyone ever feels like opening their heart up for any casual passer by to spit on—even thought that’s never happened. Because it might. And sometimes even the possibility of rejection is enough to keep me buried.

There are choices that are not helpful.

So I try to stop the incessant yammering in my mind of how no one ever wants to read my complaining and who likes a whiner and really, don’t people have enough troubles in their life so why would they want to read about mine?

Because I’m choosing to live. Not die. Life is hard. I can do hard things.


I’m joining the flash mob of writers over at LisaJo Baker’s place, which you can find here (for today’s offering), or by clicking on the picture up top for the general gist. The basic idea is that you spend five minutes of writing, generally unedited (I correct typos, WAY too OCD not to do that), on a prompt that she provides on Thursday just after ten p.m. via a tweet, link up, and show some love to another participant. Interested? Write something. Link up. Love on.

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