Here and Gone: Lizzy Seeberg

Here and Gone: Lizzy Seeberg September 10, 2014

Lizzy End TableI don’t know where to begin. But it’s close to the end.

I only met her once. I remember her bright smile, and thinking that her eyes sparkled. She laughed, was polite. She seemed like a very nice girl. Like so many other nice girls that my daughter was getting to know in her freshman dorm at Saint Mary’s in 2010.

Then she was gone.


“Mom, remember that girl you met… Lizzy? Um…she…um…died.”


And the world keeps spinning. Oblivious to the tears. Oblivious to everything.

And I would learn the details. The public details, the private details, and not all the details.

Because can anyone ever know every detail?


Today it’s been four years. Or will be, at some point this afternoon. After 2:00. Before 6:00. I think. Something like that. I didn’t ask for that detail. I didn’t really care. It was some point in time.

When she opened the door and stepped into eternity, she didn’t really care anymore about time.

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