Five Minute Friday: Reach

Five Minute Friday: Reach August 29, 2014

IMG_0942Reach past the fear. Reach towards the truth.

Putting myself “out there” is always risky. I’m constantly battling the fear that people will mock me. Maybe pity me. Hate me, even.

I have to reach past that. Every. Single. Time.

Because every time I’ve been able to reach past the fear, and grasped the truth, and released it out into the world, something good has happened. One, I’ve feel freer. I’ve let go of another heavy weight that kept pushing me down into the mire of fear. Two, I’ve freed someone else to reach.

Reach past. Reach out. Reach towards.


I took this picture on my birthday. It’s of my daughter, Sophia, who long ago reached past her fears, and is on a first-name basis with the giraffes at the Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo. I think that little boy is jealous.


five-minute-friday-newRummaging through my utensil drawer to find enough spoons to drum up a post for the NEW Five Minute Friday at Kate Motaung’s place. (General details here.) You can find a bunch of folks who have reached past their own fears to present their wild offerings. Writers’ Anonymous, if you will. Flash mob style. Maybe it’ll be inappropriate. No judging allowed.

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