After another week that proved to me, yet again, that I have a hard time making sensible life choices, I am happy to say, “Thank God It’s Over.” Cry me a river? Um… yeah, and then some. Hankies in the laundry today. Starting tomorrow, my doctor has decided that I am upping my dose of Lithium, yet again. Bring on the nausea! But it’ll be better soon. It’s worth it. So very worth it.
In choir, we’re singing a beautiful hymn called, “Hope of the World” by Georgia Elma Harkness (links to lyrics and sound files here, I can’t find a video of anything that even remotely resembles the version we are doing, which is not the same song made popular by Hillsong, just so you know). I can’t get the opening verse out of my mind.
Hope of the world, O Christ of great compassion:
speak to our fearful hearts by conflict rent.
Save us, your people, from consuming passion,
who by our own false hopes and aims are spent.
Some days, I don’t think I have anything but consuming passions… Let’s not get into the false hopes and aims. [Heavy sigh.]
UPDATE: Our choir director Bob Hobby reminds me via email (which is nice, because I was working from memory), that while the lyrics of “Hope of the World” are indeed by Georgia Harkness, the composer of our version is Taylor Davis. There is a link to the piece here, and if you click on the tab called “Audio Samples” you can hear a portion of it. It’s very beautiful. Really worth it, even if you’re not into the Christian thing.