Your Life’s Purpose

Your Life’s Purpose October 16, 2014


Your Life's Purpose
Image Copyright: Elena Schweitzer


“What is my purpose?” “Why am I here?”

Having grappled with these questions myself and helped many people discover their unique answers too, I know how fundamental this question is to living fulfilling, happy, and genuinely successful lives.

The purpose of your life is to express your unique strengths, gifts, talents, and creativity, in a manner that serves others, sustains, and fulfills you. Ideally, your life’s purpose intersects with, and may even be, your career (homemakers too). That’s perfection.

Look to your heart’s desires to discover your life’s purpose. True heart’s desires are things you would be or do for free, and enjoy even if no one else ever knew about them. Though you may not be aware of them, your heart’s desires have been with you forever.

You are hardwired with the potential for excellence related to your purpose; it’s a Divine conspiracy. Expecting you to be drawn to a purpose that you deplore underestimates the wisdom of Creation; it doesn’t set itself up to fail.

You are here to do something that you love and want to do, and to do it in a way that only you can. Whether you serve one person or the whole planet, LIFE needs you.

~ Cynthia


What you are seeking is seeking you. –Rumi 

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