May 9, 2013

This week has deeply challenged me. The news out of Cleveland where three teenage girls were abducted, kept as animals, sexually abused, and tortured at the hands of a monster for upwards of 10 years, has rocked my center. I am an active advocate of oneness, forgiveness, and love always being the answer to every upset. This is the theme of my life and I’ve adhered to it through my own losses and tragedies. Yet, this story . . .... Read more

November 29, 2012

  This week, on Facebook (, a group of us agreed to challenge ourselves to a 21 day fast from all negative self judgment. The more criticism of self, the lower one’s level of happiness and confidence. On the surface, it appears we’re dealing thought alone. Yet, the source of these toxic thoughts bears noting because therein lies the power to transform the experience of LIFE. The voice of negativity is the ego’s. Its goal is to survive and protect itself.... Read more

November 6, 2012

Last week on my radio show (Hay House Radio), a woman called in and shared that she was being hurt by people repeatedly in her life. In a kind and loving way I asked her why she’d given her power away. I explained to her that she is a creation of the Divine and no one can make her anything less, except her. This wasn’t entirely true. Even when you give your power away or feel that you are worthless,... Read more

October 26, 2012

This week a dream came true for me. My book, Resurrecting Venus, was published by AMI and Hay House. My journey to publication reinforced my understanding (albeit limited) and awe of the Divine. It was a co-creation rife with constant reminders that I am not my creator, I am participating in creation. Resurrecting Venus is the product of a lifetime of  soul-crushing challenges and “impossible” successes. I’ve learned that the great strength of our feminine essence can transform misery into magnificence... Read more

October 18, 2012

First, I will pray with anyone from any religion. To me there is no hierarchy of righteousness in prayer. Today, I want to share how I came to the way I pray when I’m alone and why it resonates with me. The following excerpt from Resurrecting Venus highlights the mindset I grew up with and the basis for its collapse: “The ubiquitous belief that we are separate from our Creator——and He, being a temperamental patriarch, blesses or curses us with... Read more

October 4, 2012

I’ve studied many faiths, from Catholicism–the religion I was born into–to Islam, conventional Christianity, the Kabbalah, Buddhism, Taoism, and New Thought/Ancient Wisdom.  Every faith and teaching has beautiful qualities. Some portray God as a temperamental score-keeper and others as an amorphous energy with no capacity for personal connection. All agree that the fundamental essence of God is love. As a child, I silently pondered the inconsistent teachings offered by adults around me. They told me that God among other things... Read more

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