Bitten: Psychic Vampires

Bitten: Psychic Vampires September 11, 2014

BITTENThey don’t have fangs and they don’t drink blood, but they are just as scary. They are called Psychic Vampires.

A psychic vampire is someone whose energy and life force is weak from stress or trauma and so they unconsciously (and sometimes consciously) drain the energy from those around them in order to feel better and balanced, yet hurting their victims in the process.

 Who are the Victims?

Many times the victims are those in the healing fields. They are the therapists, the psychics, the hair stylists, medical professionals, artists, etc.

Why them?

They are open and want to help others.

Who are the Vampires?

They can be your mom, your dad, your sibling, your best friend, your spouse, your child, your boss – pretty much anybody. It could even be you.

Signs of a Psychic Vampire

  1. They feed off of negative attention.
  2. They say that they want to get better, learn how to be a better person, and yet they make no effort to grow and instead make excuses as to why they can’t grow.
  3. They are never ever happy, no matter what.
  4. They like to pick fights and force others around to choose sides.
  5. Psychic Vampires often want constant advice and/or money.
  6. They want constant compassion, but don’t reciprocate it.
  7. When you try and separate yourself, they try and retaliate.
  8. You may feel depressed, fearful, anger, sad, unhappy and start arguments that have no rhyme or reason when these people are in your life.
  9. Attention, good and bad, equates to energy and this is what they feed off of, so their moods tend to swing like a pendulum.

How do you protect yourself from a Psychic Vampire?

Avoid any interaction with people who have been known to drain, depress or irritate you when you are feeling ill, weak, tired or stressed.

Surround yourself with positive people until your energy is strong again or else you will continue to be drained of your life blood.

Help! The Vampire Got Me! Don’t panic. Garlic won’t work, but these techniques will.

  • Say No. Practice that No muscle often. Cut the blood stream off by setting boundaries.
  • Utilize Reiki or Quantum Touch to help make sure that your aura fields are solid.
  • Call on your Angels and Guides.
  • Crystals – Many crystals can help keep the energy suckers away, or at least help restore your energy if you get caught up in their hypnotic gaze.
  • Brush Off – Brush yourself with hands diagonally across the body from finger tips, down arms, down legs and torso, and then throw all “bad” energy on the floor to get rid of it. You can visualize a drain by your feet where it departs.
  • White Light Protection – Visualize an egg-shaped sphere of brilliant white light that completely surrounds you from head to toe. Visualize that he light getting brighter and brighter until it creates a barrier of protection around you.  Depending upon your religious beliefs, you can simply say a prayer or ask for your guides and angels to continue to surround you with the white light of protection and that it keeps you from harm and negative influences. You can also do this for others, including pets.
  • Sea Salts – Sea salt is used to neutralize the environment and oneself. If possible, get unrefined sea salt along with Epsom salts (and you can even mix with your herbs). Draw a warm bath and relax. When you are completed, drain the bath, but don’t hop out, instead think of all the things that are troubling you, and visualize them drawing from your body and draining with the water, until every drop of is gone.
  • Herbs- Many herbs such as basil, lavender, peppermint, rosemary, sage and cinnamon have protective qualities against negativity. You can set them out in a pretty dish to help absorb the negativity, you can burn the herbs by using incenses of those properties and you can bathe with them.
  • Smudging – Smudging with sage (I prefer a smudge stick that has cedar, white sage and palo santo all in one) is a simple and powerful way in which to remove negative energy from the area.  Place a few leaves in a fire proof container or a albacore shell, and light the leaves or light the bundle. The flame should go out in a short time and the sage will begin to smolder. Fan the smoke with your hand or feather.  Say a blessing of protection, or prayer, as you walk around.  Fan the smoke around you imagining it passing through you.  It flows through you drawing out all of the imperfections that have collected within yourself.  I recommend going to the farthest part of your house and work yourself towards the front, opening a window where you can draw all of the negative energy out. Don’t forget to smudge closets, basements, nooks and crevices, etc. Smudging yourself on a daily basis can also be very helpful in keeping yourself balanced and can help if you are around emotionally unbalanced people. Frankincense, Sandalwood, Myrrh and Palo Santo also work to remove negativity.
  • Holy Water – Those of certain faith practices believe that by making the sign of the cross in and around the house helps to call on the Divine in order to dispel negative energy.
  • Candles – White candles work wonderful to remove negative energy, and by adding scents to the candles such as lavender, vanilla and cinnamon it helps even more. Personally, I love Coventry Creations.
  • Music – Since we all have a vibration, it makes sense that music can help realign our soul. By playing an instrument yourself, or simply putting on your favorite music, and spending time thinking of all that you want, instead of what you don’t want, can help re-tune your space and your spirit.
  • Affirmations – Like attracts like. What you focus on is what you receive. Focus on negative, you vibrationally align yourself to that. Focus on positive; you vibrationally align yourself to that. It can be hard. It can feel like a fib. But just as spending time with happy people, you feel happy, or sad people, you feel sad, the more that you set your alignment on track, you will find the wave of good comes quicker.

The good thing is there are more great people than bad – you just have to stop offering your energy to the vampires of the world by recognizing the signs. Often times you can’t completely separate yourself from the blood suckers, but by learning how to shield yourself better, you can better be armed when they come calling.


Kristy Robinett

Pre-Order Kristy’s newest book – Forevermore – Guided in Spirit by Edgar Allan Poe today!

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