Israeli Supreme Court: Wrongfully harmed Arab civilians can sue, too

Israeli Supreme Court: Wrongfully harmed Arab civilians can sue, too February 3, 2007

This is a step in the right direction, and a real credit to the Israeli legal system.

Noone should be above the law and noone’s victimization should be defined away with political rationalizations.

I was tempted to say that this ruling set an example for Israel’s neighbors, but to be fair for all their manifest political faults and with the possible exception of Morocco no other nations in the Middle East are engaged in an occupation of another people where this kind of problem would arise. 

Israeli Court Rules Army Can Be Held Liable – New York Times

In an important and controversial ruling, the Israeli Supreme Court threw out part of a law today that prevented Palestinians from seeking compensation from Israel for damages from Israeli Army activities in the occupied territories.

The ruling, which was unanimous, opens the way for Palestinians harmed in “nonbelligerent” army operations in the West Bank or Gaza to seek redress for damages. But the court left standing a provision that bars compensation to Palestinians harmed in combat operations.

The law also bars compensation to citizens of “enemy states” or to “activists or members of a terrorist organization,” which would include Hamas, elected last January to run the Palestinian Authority.

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