Prayer for the Government during the Shutdown

Prayer for the Government during the Shutdown October 9, 2013


We are a full week into the shutdown of the US Government and if nothing else, this is a reminder of how much we need to pray for our national leadership. I originally posted this on Day 1 of the shutdown via facebook. I hope you find some encouragement/sense of support in this as this situation continues to play out. 

God, I’m upset.
You know my heart so you know the depths of my frustration with my government right now.
You know that I am struggling with anger at the fact that the actions of a few that have the potential to affect so many.
It’s wrong and it troubles me that they are protected from the loss that many of my countrymen may face in the days or weeks to come.

Be our provision
Even though this shutdown threatens people’s earnings, open up your storehouse and provide so that they experience no lack – whether that need be met by your people or through supernatural means.

Be our comfort.
Give us peace in knowing that you are God and there is nothing to difficult for you to deal with, even furloughs.

Give us discernment
As election cycles come, remind us of these feelings of being failed and give us wisdom to elect officials that will act in the best interest of this nation and not out of their own selfish ambition.

Be our justice
In the same way we will move to hold people accountable, I ask that you do the same. Let your presence fall in the halls of congress and make clear that these men and women do not just answer to the American people, they also are held accountable to you.

Show us what it means to intercede for one another, practically and spiritually, when systems fail so that we can cover one another and lighten each other’s burdens.

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