True Traditionalism

True Traditionalism August 4, 2022

Smells, bells, smoky incense, chapel veils, pipe organs, decorated altars, Sanctus bells, vestments, Traditional Latin Mass, the Ordinariate  ………          I love beauty of a traditional Catholic worship service as much as I love our three dogs.


But then our Beloved Pope Francis throughout his papacy speaks against “the sin of clericalism.” Webster’s Dictionary defines clericalism as a policy of supporting the influence and power of the clergy in secular or political matters.   

Pope Francis further expressed his disliking of clericalism and issued an Apostolic Letter called “Traditiones Costodes.”                                                         Apostolic Letter issued “Motu proprio” by the Supreme Pontiff Francis “Traditionis custodes” on the use of the Roman Liturgy prior to the Reform of 1970, 16 July 2021 | Francis (

As a politically-progressive American Catholic who loves traditional worship, I experience deep frustrations in several areas.  Many of these

traditional American Catholic parishes don’t appear to love vulnerable people or people in general very much. I’ve witnessed a deliberate devaluing
of Catholic Social Teaching, a flagrant disrespect and even hatred towards Pope Francis, and an attitude of leadership privilege steeped in clericalism.

Although, I know there are some humble exceptions, like the downtown San Fernando Cathedral in San Antonio, TX where we attend Mass.

The San Fernando Cathedral


I think that many American traditional Catholic parishes are heavily tied to the attitudes of racially-Caucasian right-winged politics verses the
entirety of Catholic Teaching which magnify a radical love of God and neighbor.  This is partly, but not entirely why Pope Francis issued
“Traditiones Custodes.”   As Pope Francis also stated in one of his first interviews, “Many Catholics seem to be obsessed with abortion,
contraception, and same-sex marriage.” I think the same is true for parts of the broader conservative American Church.  Although these are three
Catholic doctrines I listed, they are NOT the only doctrinal teachings of the Catholic Church.  Sadly, they have become hot-button political issues
in fascist-like sectors of Catholicism.  Many alt-right conservative American Catholic clergymen and many alt-right conservative white ministerial
laities can isolate and elevate these three doctrines way above all other doctrines. They can do this to the point of excluding many other Catholic
teachings while even harming people through political weaponization. I mention the word “white” frequently because the racial component to alt-right
Catholicism is glaringly white in America and in different parts of the world.


Catholic Social Teaching–roots in the Gospel

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) lists the Seven tenants of Catholic Social Teaching below. The summaries are my own paraphrases
through the verbal permission of USCCB. Here is the USCCB link if you wish to read further about Catholic Social Teaching.

Seven Themes of Catholic Social Teaching | USCCB

I think that Catholic Social Teaching more closely aligns with the Democratic party and the Gospel although some teachings would not align with the
Democratic party, like abortion.  Still, we cannot ignore and even dismiss the other 46 life issues which the Church teaches.

Faithful Citizenship – Justice Peace and Human Development | USCCB

Catholic Voter Guide – The Issues

Life and Dignity of the Human Person

The Catholic Church teaches that all human life and human dignity is sacred from conception to natural death.  This teaching is foundational to Catholic Social Teaching.

Call to Family, Community, and Participation

A human being is identified as sacred AND social. The economy and politics in both law and policy does directly affect human beings and broader
society.  All people have rights and duties to seek and participate together for the Common Good of society and well-being of all people,
especially the vulnerable and the poor.

Rights and Responsibilities

The Catholic tradition teaches that human life and dignity should be protected at all phases equally, and a healthy community can be achieved only
if human rights are protected and responsibilities are met for all, not just some.  Further, justice for one marginalized group cannot be pursued at
the cost of harming and even exterminating part of another marginalized group. Therefore, every person at all stages of human life has a fundamental
right to life and human decency.

Option for the Poor and Vulnerable

This is a basic moral obligation to care for and regularly check on the most vulnerable members in society regardless of their religious or non-

religious affiliations.  The Gospel of Matthew 25 instructs us to place the needs of the marginalized and the poor first.

The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers

The economy must serve the Common Good of the entire society, not just a portion of it. Work is more than a way to earn money or a living; it is a

participatory form of interacting with God’s creation. Fair or living wages and respectable working conditions must be implemented, protected, and



All human beings are part of one human family regardless of their race, creed, or walk of life. We are all brothers and sisters created in the Imago
Dei, the Image of God.  Loving our neighbor, regardless of who he/she may be, is central to the Christian faith.  There is also a virtue of
SOLIDARITY rooted in peace and justice.  The Beatitudes listed in the Gospel of Matthew Ch. 5 calls us to be Peacemakers.  Pope John Paul VI taught
that if we want peace, we must work for justice.

Care for God’s Creation

Stewardship for creation shows respect for God. Care for the earth is required of our faith. Environmental challenges and the needs of humanity
cannot be dismissed but acknowledged and properly addressed.



As my favorite Evangelical Pastor, Rev. Jim Wallis says in this video below, “to be a Christian is more than our stance on abortion and same-sex
marriage.”  He is now the inaugural Chair in Faith and Justice at the Catholic Georgetown University Center of Faith and Justice.
And on that note, I fully support the fundamental human rights of LBGTQIA+ people and their families just as I would for any other marginalized
group because it is pro-life to do so.

(25) Why Trump’s Agenda Is Anti-Christ | Opinions | NowThis – YouTube











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