Recommitting My Platform for Life, Family, and Health

Recommitting My Platform for Life, Family, and Health November 15, 2022


This weekend I was so blessed to spend the weekend with an Evangelical leader and her husband.  Until I understood the life-threatening implications of rejecting LGBTQ people and their families from the Church, spent some time serving in religious trauma recovery, and learned of the legislative attacks on transgender and LGBTQ youth in Texas especially, I assumed that this area was about promoting a new and harmful sexual ethic in society and imposing it on young people.  I was so wrong.  In reality, this issue is about the Sanctity of Life and the Dignity of the Human person which are core Catholic Teachings.  Nearly all LGBTQ issues are about life, death, health, well-being, and the human dignity of these persons.  When the consistent life ethic should be applied to an LGBTQ suicidal 12 or 13-year-old for example, that sheds a totally different light on what inclusion ministry should be about: saving lives, keeping the family intact, keeping the family in the faith, promoting a life-long monogamous sexual ethic for those who are incapable of celibacy (which are most), and not further marginalizing the marginalized. The Church should be about promoting the consistent life ethic and promoting Church ministry which aligns with current science rather than bucking science and endangering lives and families of atypical persons, additionally, Neurodivergent and disabled children.  These children also identify as LGBTQ at a rate which is 3 to 6 times higher than the general population.  These unique individuals are not “less than” but uniquely made in God’s image.

I want to share an excerpt from a professional and advocate in the field of transgender healthcare named Mara Glubka.


When 98% effective gender-affirming healthcare is taken from trans youth while knowing full well that there is a major suicide problem, it’s not about love or compassion. And 100% of the reason that trans kids have very high suicide numbers is not being accepted for who they are. So they’re doing the thing that causes the suicide problem on purpose through the government.
And these innocent children, who are BORN gender magic, have adults rejecting who they are and causing them real harm in the name of preventing harm. They think that the existence of these children is a threat to society and their way of life. We’re talking living breathing innocent children here. I’m sorry, I meant ‘believe’, not think. If thinking or even minimal compassion were involved, it would be obvious that harming innocent children is wrong.  They also ‘believe’ themselves to be pro-life. When it comes to trans kids, they are about as pro-life as Idi Amin.
And the rest of America is virtually silent. Wouldn’t want to threaten that blue surprise, now, would we?
Even after presenting these scientific facts and advocating for the Sanctity of Life and Human Dignity for LGBTQIA+ youth, Neurodivergent youth, and Disabled youth in the Church, schools, and in society, there are those who think atypical lives are up for debate and their right to exist is negotiable.  When it is safe on the inside of the Church, it will be safe in society.  I don’t necessarily expect gay marriage in the Church, but I expect safe spaces inside the Church for families to grow and thrive without fear.  Until then, parents of atypical children should not have to choose between their child’s right-to-life or stay in the Church since according to science, every affirming word and action can mean the difference between life and death.  As a reminder, God doesn’t make junk, nor does He make mistakes.  I choose to advocate for LGBTQ+, Neurodivergent, and disabled lives inside the Catholic Church because once all lives are honored inside the Church, then they will be honored on the outside.

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