The New McCarthyism: Islamophobia, American Muslims, and the Progressive Response

The New McCarthyism: Islamophobia, American Muslims, and the Progressive Response July 14, 2012

The New McCarthyism: Islamophobia, American Muslims, and the Progressive

Response is a three part online course presented by Jason Van Boom on how progressives and American
Muslims can fight Islamophobia. This three week course running from July 23rd to August 6, 2012 gives an
insider’s candid perspective on Islamophobia and American Muslims, and the implications for progressives of
all faiths and none. Drawing from his professional experience working with Islamic nonprofits, his scholarly
expertise in the history of religion, and his background in political conservatism Jason Van Boom will provide a
fascinating analysis of the current socio-religious climate in relation to Islam.

Topics will include talks and Q-and-A’s on these topics:

• What is Islamophobia, and Why Should Progressives Care?
• Islam and Democracy: What American Muslims Believe
• Interfaith 3.0 and 5 Things Progressives Can Do About Islamophobia

In Van Boom’s assessment, Islamophobia is McCarthyism 2.0. It is a recycling of an older paranoia, reshaped
for a new target: American Muslims. Although American Muslims bear the immediate brunt of this prejudice,
the biggest danger is the threat that Islamophobia presents to all Americans. It is well-funded “wedge issue”
that rationalizes militaristic foreign policies and creates precedents for weakening civil liberties. Because
Islamophobia is a threat to a sane foreign policy and to civil liberties that progressives should be concerned
about it.

At the end of the course, Van Boom outlines five practical, realistic steps progressives can take to combat
Islamophobia and protect peace and liberty.

All talks are recorded and downloadable. Registration is only $59. The first 15 registrants receive a free copy of the book –
All American: 45 American Men on being Muslim“.

Go to for additional details and to register for the course.

About the instructor: Jason Van Boom is a contributing author to All American: 45 American Men on Being
Muslim (White Cloud Press, June 2012). He is the founder and original host of Islam and Authors, the first
American program on new books about Islam and Muslims. An American Muslim with professional experience
working for Muslim nonprofits, he is one of the first Muslims to be a professional historian of Christianity.
Jason gives graduate level courses on Christian and Islamic history at Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley,
California. He is a blogger at Huffington Post and Tikkun Daily, and a correspondent for ILLUME Magazine, an
award winning media organization that covers news from an American Muslim perspective. Jason is co-
founder and director of Nicholas of Cusa Institute, a think tank and academic research organization that
specializes in issues of political and cultural identity.

Contact: Amanda Quraishi, 512-577-1800,

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