The Perfect You! (Part 6)

The Perfect You! (Part 6) March 29, 2023

As believers, we understand salvation is by God’s grace, and there’s nothing we can do to earn it. We trust in Christ’s death and resurrection.

But like the Garden of Eden, there’s a temptation to think that if I knew or did a little more, I could be more godly. We start to mix in rules and parts of the law in an effort to be better.

In part 6 of my series, The Perfect You, I share how Jesus spent part of His earthly ministry explaining the futility of attempting to achieve righteousness through obeying the law.

Thankfully He’s provided a better way under a new covenant!

Adding even a pinch of the law into our daily living is a dangerous invitation to sin. We are much safer under grace.

Check out The Perfect You by Dr. Andrew Farley

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