The Perfect You! (Part 9)

The Perfect You! (Part 9) April 25, 2023

In Part 9 of my series, The Perfect You, I address several passages on forgiveness and confession of sin in the New Testament, including:

  • Jesus’ teaching from the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6
  • The instruction to confess your sins to one another in James 5
  • Confession tied to forgiveness in 1 John 1

Some might suggest these verses teach being forgiven and cleansed is a daily process. But Jesus said it is finished. He remembers your sins no more, and He’s removed your sins as far as the east is from the west.

So, is forgiveness progressive, or was there truly one offering for all time?

Watch this message and be encouraged that God’s grace is so huge that forgiveness is as simple as you’ve got it, now pass it on!

Check out The Perfect You by Dr. Andrew Farley

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