Testimony meeting is…like a box of chocolates.

Testimony meeting is…like a box of chocolates. August 4, 2013

Today, we attended our first testimony meeting in Las Vegas. Apparently testimony meeting when you go to church near the Las Vegas Strip involves people from other places making self-righteous comments about the Strip.

One guy even made a Sodom and Gomorrah comment.

Sacrament meeting is the main weekly worship service in the LDS Church. Testimony meeting is during the Sacrament meeting on the first Sunday of the month. Instead of assigned talks or sermons, during testimony meeting any member of the congregation is free to come up and share their thoughts.

Testimony meeting is, as Forrest Gump said, like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get.

I am loving the people here in Vegas, both the ones I go to church with and others I have encountered. The Utahns and Californians…might be a different story. Today, they were the fruit-filled chocolates in the box.

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