15 years!

15 years! August 21, 2013

15 year ago today, Lyndee Marie Curtis and I were married in the Salt Lake Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

She has been my rock. Thanks, babe.

Lyndee and her ID for her new gig as a first grade teacher.
Shem (11), Todd (13), Geneva (7), and Lyndee on the grounds of the Las Vegas Temple last Saturday.
Lyndee surveying her new classroom.
Lyndee, Geneva, and Shem enjoying a chocolate shake at the Stratosphere.
Lyndee and me (in the bottom right corner) testing out Skype. I just really love this picture of her!
The Salt Lake Temple. Photo by Todd Henrichsen April 2013.
Lyndee driving the Chris-for-Congress-mobile during a parade in Torrington, WY.

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