5 things to do when your spouse wants to “get healthy” but you want to eat pizza

5 things to do when your spouse wants to “get healthy” but you want to eat pizza July 16, 2015


Throughout our marriage, my weight and healthy lifestyle have fluctuated a bit.  Whether I was stressed out, just had a baby, was enjoying eating without thinking…or all of those things at the same time, I would eventually realize that I needed to get back into shape.  Then, I would immediately go tell my husband about my desire to get healthier, as if he was going to be as excited and motivated as I was.

Regardless, he always told me that he thought I looked beautiful just the way I was, but he would support me in any way he could.  THAT was exactly what I needed to hear.


It is amazing the difference a spouse can make in another spouse’s journey to lose weight or simply lead a healthier lifestyle.


Over the years, I’ve seen the important role my husband has played in my quest to get fit.  I don’t think I could have reached any of my health goals without him.  As spouses, we can choose to help or hinder our partners in this effort.  But, honestly, don’t we ALL want our mates to be healthy?


Sure, we do.


So, here a a few steps a spouse can take to help his/her partner reach his/her fitness goals:

1.  Share his/her excitement for the journey ahead.

When one spouse wants to lose weight, but the other is totally happy with how things “are”, the climate at home can become a little tricky.  Change is hard; believe me, I know.  However, leading a healthier life is a GOOD thing.  We want our spouse to look and feel better, so WE need to share in their excitement.  Just today, I texted Dave about my weekly weight loss after I weighted in at Weight Watchers.  He sent me the sweetest text back to congratulate me and recognize the hard work I had put into that week.  It meant so much to me that he shared my excitement, and it propelled me to work hard the next week.


2.  Help him/her manage the schedule to make time for exercise or meal planning.

We want our spouse to be at their best, right?  So, let’s help him/her make the schedule more conducive to leading a healthy lifestyle.  If she is motivated to attend a Zumba class several times during the week, then offer to take the kids to their practices on those days.  If he has a running buddy who can run around the neighborhood with him a few mornings a week, then take over the breakfast routine with the kids on those mornings.  The main idea here is to HELP and be FLEXIBLE when adjusting to the changes.


3.  Join him/her.

What’s better than #1 and #2?  Well, deciding to JOIN your partner in the journey to better health, of course.  Do that new workout with him/her.  Help with buying and cooking healthier food.  And, here’s a crazy thought…EAT the healthy food.  You might even like it.


I know countless couples that have decided to do various Beachbody workouts and food plans together right before a big event.  It’s fun to take the “before” and “after” photos to see your progress.  And, who knows?  It might just stick.


My husband and I have tried different video workout programs before, but the one thing that seems to work for us during this season of our life is going to the gym.  We attend the local YMCA and LOVE it.  When we first get there, we put the kids in the childcare (included in the membership, which is a HUGE plus), and then we have a cup of coffee before working out.


It might sound weird, but it’s kind of like a mini-date when we have that coffee.  We only take about fifteen to twenty minutes; but in that short time, we help get each other motivated for the day ahead.  For me, it’s like a big blast of fresh air in my face before “getting my sweat on”.  I love it, and I always have a better workout when Dave is there to have coffee with me.  There’s something special about sipping a little joe and staring into his deep dark eyes that gets me going.  I love going to the gym together, and it has certainly helped me to stay motivated.


4.  Affirm him/her with encouraging words and compliments.

Who doesn’t love to be told that you look healthier or have lost weight?  I can’t hear it enough.  Words are powerful, and a spouse’s words carry even more weight.  We need to take the time to notice the positive changes that our mate is making…in their body, their food choices, their exercise, or whatever the case may be.  Tell your husband that you are proud of how disciplined he has been with his healthier food choices.  Tell your wife that she looks amazing in her favorite jeans.  Grab his arm, and ooh and aah at those “guns”.  Embrace her, and comment on how tone she feels.  If he/she didn’t meet his/her goal for that week, offer a word of encouragement to keep him/her motivated.  Don’t hold back.  Keep the compliments and encouragement coming.


For an encouraging word that just might help you stay motivated, check out, “5 Words that Could Change Your Life Forever”, by clicking here.

5.  Celebrate the “wins” with something tangible.

It is extremely important that we celebrate with our spouse when he/she has reached a goal.  And, it’s motivating when we can decide how we are going to celebrate before the goal has been attained.  Whether big or small, it gives our partner something to look forward to and helps him/her to stay focused.  Maybe it’s a massage, a pedicure, a new outfit, a nice dinner, or even a cruise (if it’s a really big goal).  Make it fun and exciting.  Hard work SHOULD be rewarded and celebrated.

And, there’s nothing better than celebrating the achievement of meeting your health goals TOGETHER.

If you found this post to be helpful and encouraging, then please SHARE it!  Thanks for reading.  Be blessed.

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