No More Silence: Fighting Islamophobia with Faith

No More Silence: Fighting Islamophobia with Faith December 15, 2015

Read Pastor Hamman's full sermon now - iStock/ChristianChan
Read Pastor Hamman’s full sermon now – iStock/ChristianChan

In recent months, the question of Muslim acceptance, tolerance and immigrant admission have been buzz worthy topics. In a climate that seems to be fostering Islamophobia, Pastor and Deily member Jonathan Hamman of Grace Lutheran Church speaks out on why Christians should embrace their fellow man or woman with Christ’s message in mind. Read his sermon on Muslim acceptance below.


I believe there are a few thoughts that need to be shared this morning.

I watched a video the other night of a public hearing in Northern Virginia. It was a hearing held by people of the Muslim faith who were opening a discussion with the surrounding community about the possibility of building a mosque there. In the video, several folks are shown shouting lies, calling the presenters terrorists, and threatening harm to those who would attend this future mosque. The organizers thought there would be some harsh comments. But what they were not prepared for was the clapping and cheering from the crowds who heard these hate-filled words.

These words continue. Prior to World War II, the Lutheran Church in Germany was guilty of not speaking out enough about the hate filled speeches, the politically encouraged violence, and the fear mongering that led to the rise of fascism. During the last few weeks, several candidates running for President have stepped up to this line, but one in particular has tripped over it by insisting Muslims should no longer be allowed in this country, and those who are here should be registered or otherwise identified – going so far as to lift up the internment of Japanese Americans during WW II as a noble endeavor. This is racism, fascism and a lot of other “isms” and it’s very scary.

This is America, where freedom is guaranteed for everyone. This is America where religious freedom does not mean freedom for Christians only, but for all faith traditions – for if any are denied, all are in danger. This is America and registering, restricting or labeling others based on religion is wrong. Please, let’s not be silent, let’s not be found among those who cheer for such things and let’s call for an end to such hate filled speech and rhetoric. These things are not only anti-American but go against everything we stand for and believe in as Christians, and as Christians of the Lutheran persuasion.

I am reminded of the words of Lutheran Pastor Martin Niemoller:

When the Nazis came for the communists, I remained silent; I was not a communist. When they locked up the social democrats, I remained silent; I was not a social democrat. When they came for the trade unionists, I did not speak out; I was not a trade unionist. When they came for the Jews, I remained silent; I wasn’t a Jew. When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out.



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