Astrology in Politics

Astrology in Politics September 26, 2014

washington zodiacOur friend Nick Dagan Best was quoted in a recent article in Mother Jones about US politics:

For ages, people have looked to the heavens to understand the strange doings of their earthly leaders. In that spirit, we divined the star sign of every member of Congress and then contacted Nick Dagan Best, a Montreal-based astrologer and the author of URANU.S.A.—”a graphic nonfiction astrology novel”—who has studied Washington’s “astrological dynamic” past and present. (For instance, an infamous1856 incident in which a congressman severely beat Sen. Charles Sumner on the Senate floor can be explained by Mars being in retrograde, a time of heightened tension.)

Pluto, which has retained its astrological power despite being delisted as a planet, is in Capricorn right now and will be until 2023. That means we can expect big things from Capricorn Sens. Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, says Best. Younger senators with air signs are also rising. Best likes the prospects of Minnesota Democrat Amy Klobuchar and Republicans Marco Rubio and Mike Lee, all Geminis. Rep. Paul Ryan and Sen. Tammy Baldwin are also primed to have lasting impact. “It’s not just that they’re Aquarians,” Best says. “They’re the rightkind of Aquarians.”

What about Barack Obama, one of only four Leos to ever occupy the White House? “The typical Leo failing is that they really want to make everybody happy,” Best explains. “That becomes kind of an obsession.” But he foresees bright times for the president if he hangs tough through the midterms. “In 2015, people are going to be saying his name and chanting the slogans again.” Beat that, Nate Silver.

read more here…

These articles about Sun signs are limited because the astrological chart for each individual is much more complicated than the Sun signs, but there do seem to be some interesting trends.  There is an interesting list of birthdates and Sun sign information for all senators and representatives and evidently the most common sign in the House of Representatives and for all Republicans is Gemini.  The Gemini nature typically finds it very easy to adopt a variety of viewpoints and can adapt to the needs of their constituents.

The most common sign for senators is Scorpio, the sign of power.  Scorpio is the second most common sign for presidents after Aquarius  (you can read more about Scorpio and the presidency here.)

Anyway, take a look at the article and let me know what you think about your favorite politician.

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