Capricorn Full Moon: July 3, 2012

Capricorn Full Moon: July 3, 2012 July 3, 2012

Capricorn Full Moonby Lynn Hayes Today’s Full Moon has the potential to bring more than the usual fireworks for Independence Day here in the US.  The Moon is in the pragmatic and practical sign of Capricorn where planning and a solid approach to the matters at hand is required.  However, the Moon has just passed through the gates of Pluto which has intensified and magnified its energy, which means that the Moon has also faced off in a challenging aspect (square) to Uranus, inspiring resistance and rebellion. Meanwhile Mars has just entered the sign of Libra.  When the planet of war moves through the sign of peace the aggressive instincts of Mars are not easily expressed.  There is an outward desire for harmony that belies the inner turmoil that will eventually require an outlet.  This conflicted Mars is preparing to get involved in the greater battle between Uranus and Pluto over the next two weeks and will serve as the trigger for any areas of life where change is needed. Capricorn is all about Doing What It Takes to Get Things Done.  However, in the Full Moon the Capricorn Moon opposes the Cancerian Sun which takes us deeper into the realm of feelings and emotions, a realm which Capricorn would just as soon forget.  All Full Moons require that we balance energies that are in polarity with each other since the Sun is always in a sign that is opposite the sign the Moon falls in.  Here we are balancing the inner world with the outer – our home life with our work life,  our feelings with what we know must be done. In any Full Moon, the lunar light of emotions and feelings outshines the solar light of rational thought and awareness, but in this Full Moon we have the Moon in the sign of earthly matters while the Sun is in the sign of feelings and emotions.  Don’t be surprised if there is a bit of a struggle between these two areas of life as we strive to integrate them into one cohesive and united experience of consciousness.  To live in the world in a practical manner (Capricorn) while remaining in full awareness of our inner feelings and connection to our tribe (Cancer) is the method to this lunar madness. Uranus, the planet of radical change and innovation, squares the Sun and Moon in the chart for this Full Moon which suggests a radical departure from the old ways of thinking and an acceleration of personal development. This process is facilitated by a harmonious trine between Mercury (the mind) and Uranus (the higher mind) which helps to unlock our ability to understand the higher levels of awareness and gain greater perspective. Venus is a great ally during this Full Moon since it forms tight harmonious sextiles to Mercury and Uranus, easing transition and encouraging interpersonal interactions that will help to facilitate the letting go and moving forward from past to future. for daily planetary cycles visit my Facebook and Twitter pages.

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