Fear and the upcoming Cardinal Cross

Fear and the upcoming Cardinal Cross August 27, 2009

You’ll be hearing a lot more about this planetary event over the next few months and years.  Ray Merriman is calling the event the “Cardinal Climax,” and astrologer Gary Caton in this recent article in The Mountain Astrologer is calling it the “Cardinal Crisis.”  This is an alignment of planets in cardinal signs that will continue to create change in our inner and outer worlds.  The cardinal signs are the signs of action, and with various planets conflicting with each other in cardinal signs there will be a great deal of energy for change.

It’s easy to become afraid when we know something big is coming, but it’s wise not to let fear take over.  Change can be exhilarating and joyful just as easily as difficult.  This week Mars in Cancer is opposite Pluto in the sky, and although I expected major flareups in the news that has not occurred.  Nor did it occur in my own life, despite the fact that this planetary combination directly affects Mars in my own chart.  Instead, there has been a tremendous amount of energy that has been relatively easy to manage and we’re seeing that in the global arena as well.

I’ve laid out a scenario of what is likely to happen over the next few years in my radio show a few weeks back and you may want to take a listen if you haven’t already heard it.  I’ll be writing a great deal more on this topic over the next few months, especially as Saturn moves into Libra in late October and begins to form a square to Pluto.

Meanwhile, we are working with Saturn/Uranus and the force of resistance to change.  This is the key factor that we will be faced with over the next few weeks.

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