News of Chiron from the Expo

News of Chiron from the Expo August 30, 2009

Sorry, there will be no Astrological Musings Radio show today because I’m at the Body, Mind Spirit Expo in Raleigh this weekend.  Rich and I do these two shows a year where we showcase beautiful crystals and mineral specimens and some jewelry, and I do astrology and tarot readings.  They are a lot of fun and a great opportunity to meet some fabulous people.

Next week we’ll be talking about the big planetary events coming up in September.  Of course I’ll be writing more about those events as well so watch for that over the next week or so.  Tomorrow I’ll be writing the September Skywatch article (visit my website for your free subscription!) so I’ll repost something interesting for you, and then Tuesday I’ll get back to regular blogging.

It’s been interesting talking to other practitioners about what their clients are going through.  Everyone has the same report:  Clients are more emotional than usual.  I had several readings yesterday with people who couldn’t keep from crying – their emotions were so close to the surface that they could no longer hold them back.  This is the effect of the Chiron/Neptune conjunction – the soul (Neptune) is releasing the pain of our old wounds (Chiron) so that healing and real transformation can bring us back to an ecstatic connection with our true self.

Sometimes when clients are going through a Chiron cycle they will want me to help them “get rid of all of this pain.”  Sometimes the emotional pain is instead transmitted into physical pain.  But the purpose of a Chironic event is not to get rid of the pain, but to walk through the fire of the pain and come out on the other side.  That painful sensitivity, however it manifests, is coming from painful memories that need release.  They will not disappear on their own.  Sometimes all we need to do is to change the way we think about our experience, from fear and dread of these intense experiences to excitement over the shamanic process of transformation.

When we start to come out on the other side of these experiences it is indeed a thrill!

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