Full Moon in Pisces today

Full Moon in Pisces today September 4, 2009

You may have seen the beautiful waxing Moon illuminated by Jupiter over the past few nights as the Moon passed through Aquarius and transited Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune.  Today at around noon Eastern the Sun and Moon oppose each other in the polarity that we call the Full Moon.

The Pisces Full Moon is all about connecting to Spirit, to the Divine within us, to our imagination and a sense of magic.  However, when the Moon is full in Pisces it opposes the Sun in practical Virgo so there is a necessity to balance that dreaminess with a firm footing in the material world.

The Full Moon is the peak of the waxing phase of the lunar cycle and begins the waning phase of completion, so this is a time of culmination of the dreams and ideals (Pisces) so that we can harvest the seeds that we have sown. The stationary Mercury reminds us that we are entering a time to look back and reassess the details of our life, but the Pisces Full Moon urges us to seek solace in the never-ending flow of the soul that forms the true center of our being.

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