New Moon in Scorpio, October 26 2011

New Moon in Scorpio, October 26 2011 October 26, 2011

Scorpio New Moon October 2011The New Moon occurs when the Moon conjoins the Sun, beginning a new lunar cycle.  Scorpio is the sign of emotional fearlessness and demands that we find pure and complete acceptance of ourselves at the deepest core of our being, so the Scorpio New Moon denotes a time of inner renewal and self-honesty.

The Scorpio New Moon on October 26th takes us even deeper into the Underworld of the psyche and emotional realms. By this time there are four planets and luminaries in Scorpio: The Sun and Moon, and Mercury and Venus. There is no escaping the necessity of reaching into the abyss of our own interior world, but the rewards are great as we discover the treasures that lie buried underneath the veneer of our own consciousness.

This New Moon has a number of harmonious aspects that will facilitate the shedding process that is a hallmark of the Scorpio experience, including a trine of the Sun to healing Chiron that helps to remove any obstacles which prevent us from achieving that lofty goal.

A square from Venus to Mars in Leo suggests potential stress in our relationships, but also enhances sexuality and the excitement of Scorpio that Mars (traditional Scorpio ruler) brings to the table. Mars is in a harmonious sextile to Saturn at the New Moon which helps to provide stability and an environment where new plans under the New Moon may be devised.

As with any New Moon, this is a fertile time to plant seeds of a new venture that will flower when the Moon is full.  But because we’re talking about Scorpio here, the new venture is about letting go rather than taking on something new.  In what areas could you use more direction in your life?  Where is your quest for superficial comfort keeping you from becoming the person you know you are meant to be?  These are questions for the Scorpio New Moon.

There is magic and mystery during this time of Scorpio.  It’s no accident that the Scorpio Full Moon occurs around the time of All Hallows Eve and Samhain when the veils are thin.  Enjoy the mystery, and celebrate the magic!

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