Scorpio Full Moon May 2015: the Cauldron of Transformation

Scorpio Full Moon May 2015: the Cauldron of Transformation May 2, 2015

Scorpio Full Moon May 2015
Art by Jennifer Shearer

Once the Moon enters Scorpio late on May 2nd it will begin to form the Full Moon opposition formation against the Taurus Sun, stimulating the beginning of the lunar experience. All Full Moons are formed by a polarity between the Sun in one sign balanced against the Moon in the opposite sign. Each opposing pair is a cycle of energy that flows from one sign to the other, each sign containing what the other lacks. Scorpio and Taurus are both fixed signs, both are highly personal signs with one being ruled by Mars (Scorpio) and one by Venus (Taurus). Both are concerned with matters of earthly life, but in Taurus we hold on to who we are, and in Scorpio we must let go of who we think we are in order to become transformed in the purging fire. Taurus seeks harmony and serenity, and Scorpio seeks passion and drama.

You can see why a Taurus or Scorpio Full Moon is intense! At the Scorpio Full Moon we find every aspect of our being intensified under Scorpio as the Taurus Sun encourages us to ground into the earth and find pleasure in simplicity. The planet Mercury (mind and intellect) is opposite Saturn (focus and achievement) which inspires us to take all matters more seriously. This can help us to become more full engaged in the process of lifting the darkness within us into light and accepting all aspects of ourselves with greater awareness.

The Sun and Moon both form a challenging square to Jupiter during this lunation (lunar event), expanding our sense of what is possible and helping us to let go of anything that causes us to feel small. In addition, the transformative power of Pluto harmonizes in a trine to the Sun and a sextile to the Moon, assisting that letting go process and empowering us with a powerful understanding. A trine from Mercury to Ceres (self-care) suggests that during this explosive panorama of transformation we can easily find ways to support our relationship to the body (Ceres) that can assist the complete transformation.

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