Sunday inspiration: Leaving fear behind in times of change

Sunday inspiration: Leaving fear behind in times of change June 24, 2012

Uranus square PlutoToday is the first exact square alignment between Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries.  Saturn is stationary right now, putting a clamp in any urge to flee, and it will change direction tomorrow.  Jupiter is in a square alignment to Neptune in an aspect that will culminate tomorrow.

So if things are feeling a little intense for you right now, it’s not surprising.

We had some friends over last night and the topic of discussion was how to navigate these difficult waters.  When we see the old order (Capricorn) crumbling around us (Pluto), and the forces for revolution (Uranus) awaken, what can we as individuals (Aries) do to aid the Universe in the rebalancing process?  What can we do when we see corruption and devastation everywhere we turn?

This rebalancing is the very essence of the human experience.  When a political system or national identity becomes corrupt or diseased to the point where it is no longer viable, that system will crumble or collapse under its own weight.  Sometimes the decay is so great that the system needs to be destroyed (Pluto) so that it can be rebuilt, and there is no way to save it.  Patching and band-aid repair are no longer viable, and at that point all we can do is get out of the way as the system collapses.

Then the rebuilding comes in, and that is when we are needed.

In our personal lives, the more authentically true that we can be to ourselves, and the more fearlessly we are able to face the cycles of change, the less difficulty we tend to encounter in the outside world and the better we are able to manage times of crisis. We can extend this philosophy to the fate of our planet as well: to take a longer view and resist the cycle of fear that keeps us from understanding the deeper energies that are at work right now.

Transformation is not always easy and during the process we encounter forces that are beyond our control.  Astrology helps to identify the teachers and the essences at work so that we can have greater understanding, but ultimately the rebalancing process must be allowed to take place so that as humans we can continue to evolve and grow in understanding and wisdom.

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