The Magic of Moving

The Magic of Moving January 19, 2020

Last September, during a four-day visit to north Wales, I sat by Bala Lake where Cerridwen is said to have stirred her magic cauldron and realised that I wanted more space in my life.  Less stress, less busyness and more room to breathe.

While still in Wales, I broached the subject of moving away from the south coast of England to somewhere like Wales.  Actually, I had no destination in mind apart from north Wales as my family and I had fallen in love with the area on our whirlwind visit.

It was agreed. It felt right for all of us.

Before we left to head back home, we stopped at Saint Winifride’s Well – the Lourdes of Wales – at Holywell to partake in the healing spring and to buy something representative of Saint Joseph.  I found a prayer card and took it home with me.

During the selling process of my former home, I printed out an image of Saint Joseph, turned him upside down and placed the image between a crack in the bricks.  All I can say is that on paper, I shouldn’t have been able to move.  Yet despite being in a recession, not having any financial paperwork and being 8-months pregnant, the process took about four months from start to finish.

When we came back from Wales we began to move.  We painted rooms, gave away most of our books, cleared out the clutter, sorted out clothes, and donated to charity anything that we hadn’t used or were just holding on to.

On Friday 13th, I put my house on the market (because what better day can there be than a Friday the thirteenth?).  I also burnt a lot of road opener incense, lit a candle with a petition to Saint Expedite, and turned my little prayer card to Saint Joseph upside down.

By the tenth day, I had an offer on my house.

Over Christmas, things slowed and the buyers were slow to sort out their paperwork in the new year.  All the while, I carried on moving.

I found that when the process became stuck or not moving as fast as I would like, I needed to physically move.  From the very beginning, there’s been magic afoot but I’ve begun to realise the importance of incorporating a physical component to spell work.  It doesn’t even need to be related to your outcome – going for a walk, cleaning up, jumping on the yoga mat – the importance is that you are stirring the energy by moving.

For example, last week I was back in Wales viewing houses.  It was tiring and frustrating because the housing market was moving faster than I could keep up.  We’d view a house and before we could get to a second viewing, it would be gone.  No new properties in our price range were coming onto the market. On Wednesday afternoon, with no more viewing lined up that day, my husband and I decided to go for a walk.  We walked miles (I still have the blisters) for no other reason than to be in motion.

It was cold and dark by the time we had almost reached our apartment.  I took a call from my estate agent to let me know that I had another offer on my house.  This was unexpected. This buyer was highly motivated and had offered more than the other purchasers.  All of a sudden, everything lined up again.  Paperwork began to hit my inbox. And there was one house that we all liked but had, until that phone call, been financially uncomfortable.  Next day, just before driving home, we viewed the property again and were in a position to offer the asking price. We got the house.

I believe that movement was the key.  I can’t prove this, of course.  But I have experienced similar things time and again.  I’d be frustrated over something so I’d go out, do something completely different, and then it would sort itself out by the time I returned home.

While I’m still at the beginning of the legal process of selling and moving, I don’t intend to stay still.  It’s been a rollercoaster ride already and I’m realistic enough to know that moving house is hardly ever straight forward.  But by keeping up the magic and movement, I have faith that the next chapter of life in Wales will unfold.

The lesson I’m taking away from my experience so far is that if you want your magic to work, you have to be willing to move for it.

About Lyn Thurman
Lyn Thurman is a witch and priestess on the south coast of England. She's the author of The Inner Goddess Revolution and Goddess Rising, and the creator of the Sea Whispers oracle. When she's not writing, she is helping mind-body-spirit authors build their businesses at the Quiet Rebel Bureau or she's working on the Mystic Rebel Magazine. Alternatively, she's obsessing over vegan cakes. You can read more about the author here.

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