This blog is the outer face of a personal project I started on 21 June, 2011. My goals were to see just what my own ashram (or spiritual refuge) might look like, to explore the spiritual traditions that have informed me thus far, and to see what my internal and personal spiritual shape looked like in a year’s time.
The following was my place when I started this blog in 2011:
First up, yoga. I love yoga. Now, that’s mostly hatha yoga I’m talking about, the physical branch of yoga that people recognize from their gym or studio or workout videos. But there’s so much more to yoga. I’ve slowly been getting to know the tantric, ecstatic branches of yoga, which also leads me to the colorful and vibrant Hindu tradition. So that’s what I’m going to start with: tantric Hinduism. I’m going to live like I’m a Hindu yogini for the next three months.
From the end of September to nearly Christmas I’ll be diving into the Feri tradition. The Anderson Feri tradition is an American-grown form of witchcraft that I’ve been involved with for the last five years. I’m not an initiate, but again, I’m going to be living as if to the best of my ability.
From Christmas through the end of March I’ll be back living as a Christian.
From right around Easter until this time next year I’ll be exploring Place. I grew up in South East Alaska and the people there are fiercely in love with their land. Juneau, Alaska, and it’s environs are still the home of my heart. A sense of place is something I’ve taken with me wherever I’ve lived. Right now I live in rural Wales, a truly beautiful, magical place, rich in mythology and history, with a strong identity of its own.
During my first year of blogging I quit my PhD program and moved from Wales to the United States. I have continued to explore my practices and pondered how to live a magical and spiritual life while also being a mother/partner/householder and general woman in the world. You will find all of the above topics addressed at A Witch’s Ashram, plus thoughts on Paganism as a whole, reviews of books and movies, and other musings from my spiritual practices.
My goals for this blog are: *to establish to track my growth, practice and insights *by writing publicly to keep myself accountable to the practice *and to contribute to the online community and discussion of like-minded seekers.
I hope you’ll join me on my journey.