September 2, 2012

It’s been a while since I wrote on the Maxims. Time to get back to them! Delphic Maxim #14 asks us to control ourselves. I can’t really argue with this one. I think self-control is important. Self-control of all our parts (verbal, emotional, physical, etc) allows us to be intentional and minimizes unnecessary damage to others. Self-control is a good thing. But I don’t view this in some sort of Calvinist denial of the body, some Puritanical denial of all... Read more

August 28, 2012

I remember when The Perks of Being a Wallflower came out. I was working in bookstores at the time and kept hearing how good it was. I never read it. Now the movie is coming out. This book was very important to a good friend of mine, and it’s thanks to her that this is even on my radar again. One of the most famous quotes from the book is “We accept the love we think we deserve.” I was... Read more

August 25, 2012

Earlier this week Adam and I went to visit with a family whose daughter attends the same preschool as our son. The kids had a great time, playing together happily, whilst we adults sat around talking, drinking delicious strawberry mint “mojitos” and eating amazing meatballs. It was a great party! Somewhere in there the conversation turned to my background in theology. As it does. I had an experience I haven’t had in a while: I was asked if I believe... Read more

August 21, 2012

An acquaintance of mine and Feri initiate, who goes by the internet nom de plume Happydog Potatohead, wrote this beautiful prayer recently. I was struck to the quick when I read it. Not only do I revere Kali, but Happydog speaks of the fire, the burning, the boundaries – these things which I’ve been feeling, pushing against, embracing. This prayer expresses my heart more accurately and eloquently than I could myself. Enjoy.   My Patroness, my Maitresse de ma Tete,... Read more

August 18, 2012

I’m done with all of my summer traveling. I’m recovering physically (had a stomach bug to contend with), emotionally (relationships to heal), and mentally (oh wow, look at that list of things to attend to). It’s been hot here too, and we don’t have air conditioning. As I wind down and get centered again, the image that keeps coming to me is the Tower. I feel like I’m on fire. Everything is in flames. Do you feel it, too? It’s... Read more

August 10, 2012

I have had a long summer and I’m feeling frayed.  I’m back from my last trip and while it was good, I’ve got the shakes and I’m extra super double plus sensitive. I’m coming down from constantly being on the go or being in between trips, holding space for many others, and keeping it together for just one more day/week/trip. I’m on the verge of a melt down, I think. It’s been a long time coming. I feel physically exhausted... Read more

August 1, 2012

Today is Lughnasadh, a Celtic cross-quarter holiday celebrating the first fruits of what has been sown and preparing for the harvest to come. I don’t typically observe it, as I’m not much in tune with farm cycles. I notice that the selection at the farmer’s market is larger: more vegetables, the first pig from my favorite local farm was just slaughtered. But I don’t garden, nor do I live in a community centered on farm life, and so this holiday... Read more

July 21, 2012

I have decided to remove my most recent post. While I was trying to convey my insights, I revealed too much about someone else. My sincerest apologies to my friend, whom I love. I haven’t read all of Dante’s Inferno, but I wonder if he created a circle of hell wherein people spend an eternity hunched over trying to pull their feet out of their mouths. If this exists, surely it is where I shall end up. I’ll be gone... Read more

July 11, 2012

I’ve actually got a large post brewing in me about vulnerability and writing, but I’ve not had the space to cultivate it. The kids are intensely clingy – all the change of travel gets to them, even though I am so lucky that they travel well. We’re back from Alaska but I’m preparing to leave again tomorrow for another trip for five days. This time alone, to California for a good friend’s wedding. Of course, there is much to be... Read more

July 9, 2012

It’s been three years since I’ve been back to my hometown, Juneau, Alaska. My relationship to Juneau is complicated. I wrote about its formative qualities in the early part of my spiritual biography. I’ve never been away from Juneau for this long. It’s as if I have new eyes, and yet my senses remember: the way the water smells here, the feel of this beach, my legs know how to respond to the sea, my eyes know how to spot... Read more

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