Moon Magic: November, When the Deer Shed Antlers

Moon Magic: November, When the Deer Shed Antlers November 2, 2017

Moon Magic: November, When the deer shed antlers

Crackling fires, rustling, crunchy piles of leaves to kick up as you walk through them and crisp chilly air brrr…

The days are shorter, and the darkness arrives in the late afternoon rather than the evening.  Stay warm with big bowls of steaming chilli, close the curtains, light the fire and the candles and settle in for the evening.  It is a time for home comforts.

There is a quietness and a feel for the need of safety.  We hurry home through the darkness seeking the lights and safety of our homes.  November has a slightly eerie feel to it, perhaps it is the haunt of the Wild Hunt?  Remember that the Wild Hunt is not out to harm you, just to have a fun, wild time.  Go with the energy and enjoy yourself…just don’t get lost out there.

Moon magic November rachel patterson


November is a time for remembering, reaffirming relationships and giving thanks.  This is the month of Guy Fawkes night where fireworks fill the skies.  We gather round bonfires and eat jacket potatoes filled with cheesy beans.

Remembrance Day where we pay homage to those that fought in wars for us.  Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in America and although we don’t celebrate in the UK this marks the lead up and preparation for Yule and Christmas.  Also, I don’t need an excuse to make a pumpkin pie either …

For me

November is also a time to work with deity, take the time to connect and see what you can discover.  Whether you choose to work with a new deity or re-affirm the connection with one close to you.  Remember to always do some research first before starting to work with a deity that is new to you.  Learn about their history, life story and characteristics, be as prepared as you can before you meet them.

November correspondences

Herbs: Verbena, betony, borage, cinquefoil, Mugwort, catnip, mandrake, oak, sage, allspice, chrysanthemum, apple, pear, hazel, thistle, pomegranate, nuts, pumpkin, basil, camphor, clove, frankincense, yarrow, ylang ylang, heliotrope, mint, nutmeg, myrrh, copal, heather, cumin and vanilla

Colours: Grey, deep green, dark blue

Stones: Topaz, lapis lazuli, black obsidian, silver sheen obsidian, smoky quartz, jet, amber, citrine, garnet, pyrite, quartz, sandstone, gold, diamond, ruby, hematite, tourmaline, opal and lodestone.

Trees: Alder, oak, cypress, hazel, apple

Animals: Unicorn, scorpion, crocodile, jackal, owl, goose, sparrow

Sign: Scorpio

Deities: Kali, Black Isis, Hecate, Bast, Osiris, Sarasvati, Lakshmi, The Cailleach, Mawu, Baba Yaga, Nephthys, Maman Brigitte and Baron Samedi

November magical energies

Take root, prepare. Transformation. Strengthen communication with the deity who seems closest to you. Clearing, freedom, release and relief.  Protection, inner work and visualisation.  Banishing, psychic work and divination.  Plan new projects and manifest wishes.  Honour your ancestors.  Bring balance and justice.  Remove blockages and be ambitious.

November moon names

Snow Moon, Dark Moon, Fog Moon, Beaver Moon, Mourning Moon, Hunters Moon, Blotmanoth, Herbistmanoth (harvest), Mad Moon, Moon of Storms, Frosty Moon, White Moon, Hunters Moon, Sassafras Moon, Freezing Mist Moon and Moon when deer shed antlers.

Beaver Moon – the name is given because it is time to set beaver traps before the water freezes over or perhaps because the beavers are preparing for winter.

Moon when deer shed antlers is self-explanatory, but it will depend on where you are in the world and all sorts of other environment factors.

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