March Moon Magic: Spring Equinox, Chocolate and the Sore Eye

March Moon Magic: Spring Equinox, Chocolate and the Sore Eye February 27, 2018

March Moon Magic: Spring equinox, chocolate and the sore eye

Spring is in the air! Hopefully…

You can begin to feel the change.  The earth is waking properly albeit that some parts of the globe may still be covered in snow, but the sun is gaining in strength.  As the month progresses we will start to see and feel that spring air.  Plants, animals and humans are feeling those familiar stirrings…oeerrr.   Everything is fresh, new and young.

March heralds the arrival of spring and the celebration of the Spring Equinox. Dark and light are equal on the equinox, so it always represents a time of finding balance for me.

And of course, with Ostara/the spring equinox being in March we get to celebrate new life and new beginnings in the form of chocolate…who could argue with that?

Mother Earth is awakening and feeling the first joys of spring, join in the celebrations and revel in the new and exciting energy.   It is a time to plant new seeds, not just in the garden but within your life as well, a time to bring in the inspiration and make wonderful plans for new schemes and adventures.

I know you don’t really want to hear this but…think ‘spring cleaning’ too, not just the house but a whole magical spring clean that includes clearing out old habits and past worries too.

This is the time of the Maiden; young, excitable and literally full of the joys of spring.

March moon magic correspondences


Broom, High John root, yellow dock, wood betony, Irish moss, lotus, magnolia, ginger, jasmine, rose, sage, lavender, African violet, daffodil, star anise, catnip, crocus, dandelion


Pink, pale green, pale blue, yellow, white, lilac


Aquamarine, bloodstone, hematite, ruby, amethyst, pink fluorite, aventurine, carnelian, citrine, diamond, fire agate, kunzite, lodestone, pink tourmaline.


Alder, dogwood, Judas tree, apple, magnolia, laburnum, ornamental cherry, hawthorn, birch, ash


Cougar, hedgehog, boar, sea crow, sea eagle, hare, snake, unicorn, Pegasus




Black Isis, the Morrigan, Hecate, Cybele, Astarte, Athene, Minerva, Artemis, Luna, Iris, Maia, Indunn, Britomartis, Verbeia, Eostre, Butterfly Maiden, Eos, Aphrodite, Ma-Ku, Lady of the Lake, Minerva, Adonis, the Green Man, Odin, Osiris, Mithras

March magical energy

Energy breaks into the open; growing, prospering, exploring. New beginnings; balance of light and dark.  Breaking illusions. Seeing the truth in your life however much it may hurt.  Rebirth, renewal, new life, growth and balance.  Fertility (not just babies but new projects and ideas as well).  Reconciliation, resolving issues and conflicts, protection, self-control and communication.

March moon names

Storm Moon, Seed Moon, Moon of Winds, Plow Moon, Worm Mon, Lenting Moon, Sap Moon, Crow Moon, Snow Bird Moon, Sore Eye Moon, Sleeping Moon, Big Famine Moon and Moon of the Snowblind.

Worm Moon – the ground is softening after winter and the earthworm casts begin to appear.

Sap Moon – marking the time the sap begins to flow.

Sore Eye Moon – long days watching the glare of the sun on the snow.


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