Jim Pouillon, a pro-life activist killed

Jim Pouillon, a pro-life activist killed September 11, 2009

Jim Pouillon, a pro-life activist was killed today in Owosso, Michigan. He was shot this morning while protesting in front on the High School while students an parrents were coming into school. I’m not sure how to respond to this. My first reaction was shock, they anger, now I’m just very sad. Killing is wrong always, but killing someone who is fighting to save lives breaks my heart in 12 directions. I know many of you are not Pro-Life, but this is wrong no matter where you stand.

This incident and the murder of Tiller are showing us this issue must be taken seriously, and we can’t continue to let it get out of control. I had a knife pulled on me once during a protest some years ago, and I have had friends of mine assulted. Standing up in this fight on both sides can be very dangerous. We must respect life on all sides, even that of the abortionists.

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